The Passing of Lord Merlin

Lord Merlin, Elder High Priest of Ravenwood has Passed into the Summerland.



Be it Known

Myst of the Wildwood

Doth Confer Upon


The rank and title of Priestess of the First Degree

On the night of 27 August 2011
at Myst of the Wildwood
Doraville, Georgia

Witnessed by Elders of the Ravenwood Tradition


Sage Moon Grove congratulates its new First Degree Initiates.


The Passing of Lord Senthor

Sage Moon Grove announces the passing of Lord Senthor of Children of the Cauldron. Read More...

Land of the Rising Sun

Nihon, which means "Japan" in Japanese, is translated loosely as the "Land of the Rising Sun." From the perspective of Mainland China, Japan has always been in the direction of the Great Eastern Sun, the place of beginnings and of wakefulness, the place of hope.   The kanji characters are merely the character for the sun followed by the character for "root" or "origin."  It is a place where the ancient pagan animistic beliefs of Shinto--which means literally, the Way of the Gods--never died out.  As a result of the inevitable impact of Shinto on the nation's culture, harmony with the group and with Nature is deeply embedded in the Japanese psyche.  

The devastation of yesterday's earthquake reminds us starkly of how powerful nature is and how deadly it can be. As Westerners, we sometimes have a more difficult time of processing this "evil."  We want to see it as punishment for something.  We may seek to ascribe some overarching purpose to it.  In Shinto, as in most native, pagan belief systems, there are no "evil" or "good" spirits.  Nature is both dark and light, dangerous and lovely, life-giving and deadly.  It simply is and this state of being must be seen as basically good.  

I invite you all tonight and this weekend to send pure white light and love to the nation of the Rising Sun.  Let us pray that people's pain and suffering is assuaged, may people find a place of harmony in their souls, even in the midst of seeming disharmony with nature, may grief give way eventually but steadily to reverence for the dead, as they move into a place of honor as ancestor spirits.  May the people of Japan again find comfort in walking through the gates of sacredness to their shrines.  And may the Sun of tomorrow bring with it a sense of hope and clarity in the midst of despair and confusion.

Bright Blessings,

Lord Peregrine

Darkness, Without the Champagne

It’s that time of the year many of us have been dreading. And yet, January holds important lessons for all of us. Read More...

Should 2010 Be Forgot...

For many of us Pagans, 2010 was a difficult year. Read More...

Hallows: Endings and Beginnings

Endings are delicate things. This is because, in our path, endings are beginnings. We celebrate, at this time, the ending of a year of great upheaval, challenge and even trauma. Read More...

The Broom Closet Door is Half Open

The memorial service for Lady Sintana offers us some perspective on cracking open the broom closet door a bit wider.


Lady Sintana

Lady Sintana passed into the Summerland on Friday, September 17.



Sage Moon Grove and the House of Dragonwood announce Initiations to the First Degree



We Announce the Following Initiatory Elevations at the House of RavenStone



We announce the following Initiatory Elevations in our Tradition.


Lady Gwendolyn

We announce the passing of Lady Gwendolyn, elder of the Ravenwood Tradition.


Ora Pro Nobis

Prayer is not something we hear much about in the Craft. I think it is hugely underrated in the Pagan community. Read More...

The Wheel Grinds

It has often been said that the season between Hallows and Yule is often one of chaos and confusion. Read More...


For many of us, summer brings a certain joy of long days, warm nights and memories of the rest and play of our childhood. Read More...

Peace in the New Year

Difficult times, indeed! The assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has sent chills down the spines of all who hope for peace in 2008. And, we pagans cannot stop and wonder whether it was her gender, as much as her message of democracy, that her assassins found so abhorrent. Read More...

The Dark Quest

Merry Meet! My friends, after a long period of warmth and tremendous upheaval from the fires here in Southern California, we are all, in the Northern Hemisphere, settling into a time of darkness. Read More...


Sage Moon Grove nonors the following Ravenwood members on the occasion of their Initiation to the First Degree Priest(ess)hood: Dawn, Amy, Vilandria, Selene and Zale


OK Everyone. Calm down and chill out! We who follow a path of attunement all know that this is a time of upheaval. Read More...


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Blessings of the First Harvest

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Summertime, and the Livn’ Ain’t Easy

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Happy Beltane Happy Beltane Happy Beltane

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The Angels, the Elementals

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A Word About Magick

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What is New is Old Again.

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